Professional MC

Some of our wedding DJs also have the ability to professionally MC your wedding reception.

The MC is the person who announces the bridal party into the room, who introduces each person doing a speech and who leads the bride and groom and guests in each of the formalities.

As the face and voice of the reception, the MC is the main person responsible for the overall vibe in the room. A competent MC can create an atmosphere that is relaxed and positive and can also get the guests excited about each formality as they take place.

Public speaking is not a natural skill for most people and choosing the right person to perform the MC role is important. A timid or nervous MC will make the guests feel uncomfortable while an MC who is softly spoken or low-energy will dampen the mood.

All of our MCs are very confident and comfortable on the microphone, which enables us to create a fun, relaxed atmosphere, but also without making ourselves the centre of attention. When we MC, the night will be all about the newlyweds!

Another important part of the MC’s role happens behind the scenes: The MC is the main person responsible for keeping things on time. A professional MC will always liaise with the bride and groom, the function manager, the DJ, the photographer, the videographer, and each person making a speech, to make sure they are all prepared for what is coming up next. This is essential to achieve a smooth flowing reception with minimal hiccups.


Our Additional Wedding MC Option Includes:

– We will send a DJ who will also professionally MC the wedding reception
– Couples will also receive an “MC Wedding Planner” form which allows you to easily supply all the information needed by the MC to successfully perform the role

In most circumstances, we allocate our DJs and DJ/MCs at the time of booking. So if you think you may need a DJ who can professionally MC, it is best to book this option from the start as requesting to add the MC service later will usually require switching DJs and could result in unavailability.