Wedding DJ

We currently have 6 experienced wedding DJs performing through this company with experience levels ranging from 7 years all the way up to 30 years!

Each of our DJs provide slightly different equipment as part of their standard wedding package, however, all of them provide great sounding speakers, a quality cordless microphone and a range of multi-coloured disco lights that have been chosen specifically to create a great atmosphere for weddings.

We all use top-quality brands that provide reliability and great sound and all of us have music collections of over 50,000 songs which we update monthly.

To give you an idea of what our wedding packages include, here is a description of what you would get if I (James) were to personally DJ your wedding:

My Wedding DJ service includes:
– 1 x fully qualified DJ with approximately 24 years of personal DJ experience
– Unlimited email and phone communication with the DJ leading up to the event
– A modern, computerised system with over 50,000 songs to choose from (all styles & genres including the current Top 40 – updated monthly)
– 1 x Professional DJ mixing console
– 2 x 15″ JBL G2 speakers on stands (these are among the best sounding speakers in the world!)
– 5 modern, wedding-appropriate, multi-coloured disco lights on a lighting tree for the dance floor
– 1 x optional smoke machine (popular effect for the first dance)
– 1 x high-quality cordless microphone for the MC and speechmakers
– A “DJ Wedding Planner” form which allows you to easily make all the prior music requests necessary for a smooth, successful wedding
– A song suggestion list for each part of the wedding (including the ceremony), which can be helpful if you need good ideas of appropriate songs for any of the formalities (all songs on these lists are tried and tested songs which have worked really well in the past)